Welcome to token.place!

tokenplace is a peer-to-peer generative AI platform that pairs those in need of LLM compute with individuals donating spare resources, aiming to democratize AI access.

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Coming soon!


Check out the roadmap section of the README.


Why token.place?

We believe in the democratization of AI. Projects like Folding@Home inspired us to leverage peer-to-peer technology for generative AI, making sophisticated language models accessible to everyone.

Is it really free?

Yes, thanks to our generous compute donors. We aim to keep it free, no strings attached, to ensure universal access to advanced AI.

How do I contribute?

You can contribute by donating compute resources or by participating in our community on GitHub. Every bit helps us grow and improve.

Learn more about our goals and how you can be a part of this initiative on our GitHub repository.

Privacy Notice

WARNING! Your conversation is reasonably private at this moment, and base privacy will become incrementally better over time. For enhanced privacy, consider self hosting by following the README on the GitHub repository.